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You searched for: personal hygiene

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  • Man surprised when he is beheaded by Axe Body Spray.
  • Woman makes a mess using toothbrush/eyeliner applicator gadget.
  • Container of well known breath mint Tic Tacs have been replaced by lemon lyme ticks.
  • Pokes fun at how women get manicures while many men bite their nails.
  • The mythical character Medusa starts her day by shaving off snake heads.
  • Charlie Brown's therapist suggests that his friends disrespect him because he never changes his shirt.
  • A man grows cacti in his armpits after using deodorant that is too drying.
  • The Green Giant sprays Raid on his armpits.
  • A cat bathroom has a sign reading "employees must lick paws before returning to work."

  • Doctor tells patient who has dark stains under arms that he needs to exercise, eat healthy, and keep deodorant and spray paint in different cabinets.
  • Scientist holding genetically altered skunk tells boss that it sprays deodorant and is a good gift for people that neglect personal hygiene.

You searched for: personal hygiene